When PSA closed their doors earlier this year it became quickly apparent that the influx of card submissions that had ravaged them would soon be distributed amongst the remaining, well-known companies. With this in mind I quickly bundled some of my favourite cards together and sent them to Beckett Grading Company (BGC) via Black Label Grading.
Beckett have been established in the trading card scene since 1979, with their roots starting in Baseball and slowly transcending to cover a range of titles. They’ve been a powerful voice over this time and are extremely well respected, meaning that their higher grades definitely warrant a higher price tag over newer startups. Their slab design also varies from your typical paper card at the top and set the trend for cards that earn a perfect 10 (with all subgrades receiving 10) receiving a varied, highly coveted Black Label 🤤

I’ve listed the cards I’ve sent below, with the majority of cards being Japanese from a childhood folder I dug out after my last submission. My most prized possessions in this submission are the 4 Munch Scream promo cards and I can only pray that these come back with the fabled Black Label.
Vending Series 3 – Ooyama Pikachu is another card that I’ve adored the artwork of since I first peeled it off the Vending Machine sheet back when I was a wee nipper. The design is stunning and stands out a mile away. If you haven’t see this card before, check it out and fall in love!
Card Name |
Indonesian KFC Promo Pikachu (016/S-P) |
Japanese Black Star Promo Snorlax (127/DP-P) |
Japanese Pokemon Movie Ancient Mew |
Japanese Munch Promos Pikachu (288/SM-P) |
Japanese Munch Promos Eevee (287/SM-P) |
Japanese Munch Promos Psyduck (286/SM-P) |
Japanese Munch Promos Rowlet (290/SM-P) |
Japanese Vending Series 3 Ooyama Pikachu (25) |
Indonesian KFC Promo Charizard (181/SM-P) |
Japanese Neo File Promo Charizard Reverse Holo (6) |
Japanese Neo Genesis Typhlosion (157) |
Japanese Shiny Star V Zamazenta V (330/190) |
Japanese Shiny Star V Grimmsnarl Vmax (322/190) |
English Team Rocket Eevee 1st Edition (55/82) |
English Team Rocket Charmander 1st Edition (50/82) |
English Team Rocket Dark Dragonite 1st Edition (22/82) |
English Team Rocket Squirtle 1st Edition (68/82) |
English Team Rocket Dark Hypno 1st Edition (26/82) |
English Fossil Muk 1st Edition (28/62) |
English Fossil Zapdos (15/62) |
English Fossil Raichu 1st Edition (29/62) |
English Base Set Clefairy (5/102) |
English Single Strike Tyranitar V (155/163) |
English Southern Islands Mew Reverse Holo (1/18) |
Japanese Neo Genesis Lugia (249) |
English Burning Shadows Charizard GX (20/147) |
Japanese Gym 2 Blaine’s Moltres (146) |
Japanese Gym 2 Sabrina’s Gengar (94) |
Japanese Gym 1 Rocket’s Moltres (146) |
Japanese Gym 2 Blaine’s Charizard (6) |
Japanese Generations Flareon EX 1st Edition (006/032) |
Japanese Generations Pikachu 1st Edition (010/032) |
Japanese Generations Charizard 1st Edition (005/032) |
English Topps Series 1 Charizard (E6 of 12) |
English Legendary Treasures Mew EX (RC24/RC25) |
English Legendary Treasures Charizard (19/113) |
Japanese 20th Anniversary Dragonite EX 1st Edition (070/087) |
Japanese 20th Anniversary Pikachu EX (094/087) |
Japanese 20th Anniversary Charizard 1st Edition (011/087) |
English XY Flashfire Charizard EX (11/106) |
English Evolutions Charizard Reverse Holo (11/108) |
Japanese Neo Discovery Umbreon (197) |
Japanese Neo Discovery Espeon (196) |
Japanese Neo Revelation Celebi (251) |
English Hidden Fates Reshiram GX (SV51/SV94) |
Japanese Neo Destiny Light Dragonite (149) |
Japanese Neo Destiny Light Espeon (196) |
There is currently a 10 – 12 month delay on the return, but I can’t wait for the box to return to see some of my favourites preserved. Keep your fingers crossed for pristine 10s and let me know which card is your favourite in the comments below!
If you’re interested in finding more our about BGC, the design of their slabs and the work that they do, then be sure to check out this awesome YouTube video from the ever-amazing Leonhart.