After sending this batch of cards I received an email from my PSA middle-man (Ludkins Collectables), notifying me that they’d just snuck in the submission before the PSA closure announcement.
This is my first submission after selling a number of my complete collections a couple of years back. I wanted to preserve the cards I had left that really remind me of the WOTC glory days. There are some real beauties, including the Team Rocket 83/82 Dark Raichu as a personal favourite! Wish me luck!

Expected return:
October 2021 🤞
Cards in this submission:
- 2016 Pokemon Generations Radiant Collection RC28 Full Art/Flareon EX
- 2000 Pokemon Rocket 18 Dark Alakazam 1st Edition
- 1999 Pokemon Game 2 Blastoise-Holo
- 2000 Pokemon Game Base II 19 Wigglytuff-Holo
- 2000 Pokemon Rocket 83 Dark Raichu-Holo
- 2000 Pokemon Neo Genesis 5 Feraligatr-Holo
- 2000 Pokemon Game Base II 20 Zapdos-Holo
- 2000 Pokemon Game Base II 2 Blastoise-Holo
- 1999 Pokemon Game 7 Hitmonchan-Holo
- 1999 Pokemon Fossil 7 Hitmonlee-Holo 1st Edition